
Drone may save the 3 year old Syria boy?

Recently, Turkish police found a 3-year-old boy Aylan Kurdi's body on the beach, he and his 5-year-old brother and mother together, and killed shipwreck occurred in the Mediterranean. The family was originally Kurds living in Syria, after recently fled to Turkey, in Canada rejected their asylum attempt to flee to Europe, eventually misfortune.

The bodies of the children were rushed to the beach photos circulated on the network, led countries around the world mourn the artist. They used to express their grief and anger, it is in the hands of the brush.

Let's look at these in #HumanityWashedAshore (human nature being washed up on the beach) is the theme of the paintings.

In my opinion, If there are drones to monitor the sea, or the 3-year-old Syria boy could not have drowned.
Here is photo story behind the scenes

