
Unmanned aerial vehicles used in agriculture&war

Unmanned aerial vehicles used in agriculture&war

In 2001, The war in Afghanistan and Iraq has undoubtedly opened a revolution in the UAV,  MQ-1 "Predator" The drones started to carry weapons to combat.

UAV is small in size, life long, without vision limited terrain, is not easy to cause monitored objects of attention, carrying the monitoring equipment can provide stable and high resolution real-time video and on the fight against terrorism, drugs, anti have organized crime, criminal investigation, crowd control, a large area of search is especially useful.

But the largest area of civil aircraft may be agricultural. In developed countries, agriculture has been highly mechanized, and farmers can even buy satellite photos for assessing growth and insect pests. Satellite photos and GPS combined, the advanced agricultural machinery can be fixed up to fill the application of fertilizers, pesticides, you can point watering, to avoid waste, but also to ensure high and stable yield. But after all, the cost of satellite photos is higher, especially for high resolution photos, aging is not ideal. With the low cost of micro UAV equipped with a simple multi spectral camera, easy to achieve low cost, high frequency, near real-time monitoring, keep abreast of the soil, water and crop growth situation determined sowing, replanting, watering, fertilization, pesticide spraying needs, or in large orchard monitoring every tree fruit of the results, to facilitate the organization of the timely recovery to pick. UAV can be used for monitoring, but also can be used directly in the air, spraying pesticides. So without man-machine for altitude, speed and endurance time only the minimum requirements, as long as they can cover their farm is enough, is actually a large model aircraft technical requirements, but the number of requirements will be large, it is estimated, which may include 80 percent of commercial unmanned machine market. As far as the air traffic control problem is concerned, this is the air that is close to the ground in the farmer's own land, not involving the flight safety and public privacy issues in public airspace, and is easier to achieve. Not only farmers can use drones pastoralists can also drones to monitor herd, or Pathfinder during migration and Exploration on the far side of the pasture grass and searching for stray animals.


